


  1. Recently, the Lok Sabha (LS)and Rajya Sabha (RS), both passed Women’s Reservation Bill 2023 (128th Constitutional Amendment Bill) or Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam –


  • Birth: 11th May 788 AD, at Kaladi, Kerala, Samadhi: at Kedar Tirth, He was opposed to Buddhist philosophers.
  • Established four Mathas in the four corners of India at Sringeri, Puri, Dwaraka and Badrinath– for propagation of Sanathana Dharma.

Advocation of Advaita Vedanta-

  • It articulates a philosophical position of radical nondualism, a revisionary worldview which it derives from the ancient Upanishadic texts.
  • According to Advaita Vedantins, the Upanishads reveal a fundamental principle of nonduality termed ‘brahman’, which is the reality of all things.
  • Advaitins understand brahman as transcending individuality and empirical plurality.
  • They seek to establish that the essential core of one’s self (atman) is brahman.
  • The fundamental thrust of Advaita Vedanta is that the atman is pure non-intentional consciousness.
  • It is one without a second, nondual, infinite existence, and numerically identical with brahman.


  1. India gets its 54th Tiger Reserve “Veerangana Durgavati Tiger Reserve” in MP –


  • Madhya Pradesh, which is home to the most number of tigers in the country, has got a new protected area for the big cats named ‘Veerangana Durgavati Tiger Reserve’.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Government has unveiled the Veerangana Durgavati Tiger Reserve, becoming the seventh tiger reserve in the state and the 54th in India.
  • MP retained the “tiger state” status in the 2022 census with the number of big cats in the state rising to 785 from 526 in 2018. Veerangana Durgavati Tiger Reserve has become the seventh tiger reserve of Madhya Pradesh.
  • About 1,414 square kilometres in the tiger reserve has been included in the core area and 925.12 square kilometres in the buffer zone, the official said.
  • As per the report ‘Status of Tigers: Co-predators & Prey in India-2022’, released by the National Tiger Conservation Authority and Wildlife Institute of India in July this year, MP (785) has the highest number of tigers in the country, followed by Karnataka (563) and Uttarakhand (560).
  • About Veerangana Durgavati Tiger Reserve is spread across Sagar, Damoh and Narsinghpur districts of Madhya Pradesh.It is spread over an area of 2,339 square kilometres.
  • It is the seventh tiger reserve in Madhya Pradesh.It will encompass areas within the Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary and Durgavati Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • A green corridor linking Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR) with Durgavati will be developed for the natural movement of the tiger to the new reserve.


  1. NASA Capsule With Largest Sample Ever Lands In Utah Desert –


  • The climactic end of a seven-year voyage comes to an end when a NASA capsule landed in the Utah desert, carrying to Earth the largest asteroid samples ever collected. Scientists have high hopes for the sample, saying it will provide a better understanding of the formation of our solar system and how Earth became habitable.
  • Four years after its 2016 launch, the Osiris-Rex probe landed on the asteroid Bennu and collected roughly nine ounces (250 grams) of dust from its rocky surface.
  • Even that small amount, NASA says, should “help us better understand the types of asteroids that could threaten Earth” and cast light “on the earliest history of our solar system.” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said, this is going to be the biggest sample we’ve brought back since the Apollo moon rocks” were returned to Earth.
  • As the tire-sized capsule touches down in Utah, a team in protective masks and gloves placed it in a net to be airlifted by helicopter to a temporary “clean room” nearby. NASA wants this done as quickly and carefully as possible to avoid any contamination of the sample with desert sands, skewing test results.
  • Thereafter, this sample was flown by plane to NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. There, the box will be opened in another “clean room” — the beginning of a days-long process. NASA plans to announce its first results at a news conference on October 11.
  • Most of the sample will be conserved for study by future generations. Roughly one-fourth of it will be immediately used in experiments, and a small amount will be sent to Japan and Canada, partners in the mission. Japan had earlier given NASA a few grains from the asteroid Ryugu, after bringing 0.2 ounces of dust to Earth in 2020 during the Hayabusa-2 mission. Ten years before, it had brought back a microscopic quantity from another asteroid. But the sample from Bennu is much larger, allowing for significantly more testing.