  • The Jan Manch was held in five districts of the state including Hamirpur, Shimla, Mandi, Una and Bilaspur on Sunday in which more than 620 demands and complaints were presented and most of them were settled on the spot.


  • Irrigation and Public Health Minister Mahender Singh Thakur chaired the function at Sera village in Nadaun constituency of district Hamirpur where 54 complaints were received.  He said that around three hundred schemes of the state have been included under ‘Har Ghar Mein Nal Se Jal’ project of the union government. Rs. 6500 crore Shiva project has also been sanctioned for the state which would benefit the horticulturists of Hamirpur and other district in providing sprinkler and drip irrigation facility. He expressed satisfaction that 12,492 LPG connections have already been distributed out of 12,797 targeted beneficiaries in the district.


  • The Minister distributed FD’s, incentives, 717 LPG’s connections and sewing machines to the beneficiaries on this occasion. Various certificates and ration cards were also issued to the beneficiaries.


Source: Himachalpr.gov.in
