
HP CM ranked best performing CM of the country

  • Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur Voted as the best performing Chief Minister of the country besides being ranked as the best Chief Minister amongst the BJP ruled States of the country on basis of satisfaction rank of the respondents in the national wide survey conducted by Independent agency IANS-C VOTER SURVEY .
  • The Ministers said that the survey was based on satisfaction rating of all the Chief Ministers as voted by the respondents in their respective States. They said that the net percentage of satisfaction in Himachal Pradesh was 73.96 percent which was much higher than most of big States.
  • The net percent of satisfaction was 67.21 percent in Karnataka, 67.17 percent in Assam, 58.73 percent in Madhya Pradesh, 58.53 percent in Gujarat, 57.81 percent in Uttar Pradesh. They said that the All India average of satisfaction was 57.36 percent.


State Government committed to make Himachal a favourite destination for investors : CM

  • The State Government is committed to make Himachal Pradesh a favourite destination for the investors by providing them all possible incentives and above all ensuring conducive atmosphere for investment in the State.
  • The State Government has framed a Tourism Policy for sustainable tourism development in the State. He said that tourism acts as an engine for development besides helping in creation of direct and indirect employment avenues to the youth.



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