
CM Jai Ram Thakur inaugurates “Swachhata Cafe” at Nalagarh

  • The Chief Minister said that the Cafe constructed by the State Rural Development Department, nearby Truck Operators Union Nalagarh, was being operated by Laxmi and Durga women self help groups.  He said that the main attraction of this Cafe was that it would serve traditional food such as maize bread (Makki ki Roti) and Sarsoon ka saag, butter, lassi etc.
  • The Chief Minister said that the State Government has started a  scheme for eradicating polythene and single use plastic and under this ‘Buy Back Policy’ of the Government, food or other food items were being provided to the people in exchange  of single use plastic.


CM inaugurates Mahila Shaktri Kendra Counter at GPO Shimla

  • Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today inaugurated “Mahila Shakti Kendra Counter” at General Post Office the Mall here today to showcase and sell products prepared by Women Self Help Groups under National Rural Livelihood Mission of State Rural Development Department.
  • Hand-made products prepared by self-help groups would be available for sale at these Counters.  Any self-help group formed under Rural Development Department, through Himachal Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission, can sell their goods at these sales counters.  After the sale, the money would be transferred to the SHGs through direct benefit.