
Restore April status along LAC: India

  • India has firmly conveyed its demand to China for restoring the status quo as existed in April along the border during the senior military commander talks on Saturday.
  • While India was firm on restoring the status quo of April and pull back of Chinese troops and equipment from inside Indian territory and along the LAC, the Chinese side raised objections to India’s infrastructure development.
  • It was conveyed that infrastructure development would go on in Indian territory and that China had already developed infrastructure on its side, sources said.
  • Senior defence sources had told The Hindu earlier that infrastructure development would continue along the LAC despite the ongoing tensions. China’s actions violate the existing boundary agreement meant to preserve peace and tranquillity on the border and this was also communicated, it has been learnt.


Delhi’s hospitals only for its ‘residents’: CM

  • As complaints mounted on social media of poor treatment at Delhi’s hospitals, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced on Sunday that all government and private hospitals in the city would only treat Delhi residents till the rising COVID­-19 cases are contained.
  • Residents will be identified by voter IDs, bank passbooks, ration cards, driving licences, phone and electricity bills in addition to Aadhaar cards issued before June 7, among other documents bearing a residential address from the city.


800 monuments with places of worship set to open today

  • More than 800 monuments across the country that double up as places of worship will be opened to the public starting Monday, after being closed since March due to the COVID­-19 pandemic and the lockdown.
  • safety procedures announced by the Union Health and Family Welfare and Home Ministries would apply.
  • In directions to the ASI, the Ministry on Sunday wrote that the Centrally protected monuments “under worship” would be opened to the public. The government had decided last week to open all places of worship from Monday.
  • The remaining monuments of the ASI’s total 3,691 protected sites, including the Taj Mahal in Agra, will remain closed to visitors for now.


Malls and restaurants to reopen today with social distancing rules

  • Following the orders of the Centre, malls, restaurants, and places of worship will be reopened from June 8, said Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday.
  • However, hotels and banquet halls will remain shut. He said there might be a need to take over hotels and banquets to transform them into COVID­19 care facilities.

