
Fresh cases rise by over 800; govt. pegs fatality rate at 3.3%

  • India registered over 800 COVID­-19 positive cases on Thursday, with the tally touching 12,759 cases and 420 deaths. These include over 10,824 active cases. A total of 1,541 people have been cured and discharged and one had migrated. The total number of cases include 76 foreign nationals.
  • The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has said the rapid testing kit is not for diagnosis but for surveillance, especially in hotspots.
  • India tests 24 people for one positive case, while Japan tests 11.7, Italy 6.7 and the U.S. tests 5.3.


U.P. starts pool testing COVID-19 samples

  • The number of deaths due to COVID­-19 in U.P. climbed to 13 and the positive cases stood at 805, according to the State Directorate of Health Services.
  • After experimenting with pool testing, which allows testing several samples together, in Agra, the State would now expand it to other districts.


SBI report sees FY21 real GDP growth at 1.1%

  • State Bank of India (SBI) has estimated the real GDP growth for the current financial year at 1.1%.
  • The overall loss for FY21 at about ₹12.1 lakh crore or 6% of the nominal GVA (gross value added), taking the nominal GVA growth for entire year to be around 4.2%,”.


Textile and clothing exports drop in FY20

  • Textile and clothing exports have dropped 6% during the 2019­-2020 financial year, with a major fall in March.
  • The fall in exports is because of the impact of COVID­-19. In April, it is expected to be worse.
  • Apparel exports had grown only during four months during the last financial year and this is because the industry did not get benefits under several schemes meant to promote exports.

