
How to crack TNPSC: use disappearing ink, re-marked answer sheets

  • The Tamil Nadu Public Ser- vice Commission (TNPSC) on Friday debarred 99 candidates for life on charges of indulging in malpractice in the Group­-IV Services examination conducted on September 1, 2019.
  • Crime Branch CID officers, probing the case, said the candidates used evaporating ink to mark the answers to objective type questions.
  • After the markings vanished a couple of hours later, two officials of the State government, entrusted with transporting the answer scripts to safe custody, inked in the right answers on the answer sheets.


Aspirants with criminal past should not get ticket, EC tells SC

  • The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to examine a pro- position made by the Elec- tion Commission (EC) to ask political parties to not give ticket to those with criminal antecedents.
  • Appearing before a Bench led by Justice Rohinton F. Nariman, senior advocate Vikas Singh said 46% of Members of Parliament have criminal records.


‘Mysterious’ disease strikes Manipur village

  • The Manipur government has collected blood samples in a village bordering Myanmar where two people — a woman and a girl — died of a ‘mysterious’ disease that left “black marks all over the body”.
  • Two others, including a woman, were taken to the nearest hospital from Khamasom Phungthar village in Ukhrul district. The village, situated between India ­Myanmar border pillar numbers 124 and 125 takes almost four hours to reach from district headquarters Ukhrul.


Smart Villages scheme: State to increase prize money

  • The NCP leader is hailed for implementing Sant Gadagebaba Gram Swachhta Abhiyaan and Mahatma Gandhi dispute ­free villages scheme during his tenure. Under the present Smart Villages scheme, a village that tops at the taluka and district levels gets a reward of ₹ 10 lakh and ₹ 40 lakh respectively, according to Mr. Mushrif.
  • “Our government has decided to increase the prize amounts to ₹ 20 lakh and ₹ 50 lakh at the taluka and district levels respectively,” he said.

