
PM announces 21 ­day lockdown as COVID­-19 toll touches 10

  • As the death toll from COVID-­19 rose to 10, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced a 21 ­day lockdown for the entire country, stating that it was the only way for the country to break the chain of infection. The lockdown will be in effect till April 14.
  • India on Tuesday recorded 564 positive cases, with the number of positive patients in Kerala and Maharahstra crossing 100.


Doctors cautious over use of malaria drug as virus preventive

  • The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) approved the use of hydroxychloroquine as prophylaxis by healthcare workers taking care of COVID­-19.
  • Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial drug that is also used for treating rheumatoid arthritis. The ICMR’s approval followed a recommendation from its task force for COVID­-19.


Government extends tax deadlines to June 30

  • For bigger companies, only interest would be charged at the reduced rate of 9%.
  • The date for filing annual GST returns for 2018­-19 has also been extended to the last week of June.
  • Deadlines for the Vivaad se Vishwas and Sabka Vishwas schemes for defaulting taxpayers are also being


Pune lab gets approval for COVID­-19 diagnostic kit

  • Pune­ based MyLab is the first indigenous manufacturer to be approved for deploying its kits for COVID-­19 testing.
  • While diagnostic tests for COVID­-19 are largely reliant on foreign companies.
  • With emphasis on ‘Make in India’ and support from local and Central governments, COVID­-19 kit has been made as per WHO/ CDC guidelines. It was developed in a record time”.


How safe are newspapers: WHO clarifies

  • This was WHO’s answer to a question on whether it was safe to receive a package from any area where COVID­19 has been reported. Precautions at a personal level are must, according to K.K. Aggarwal, past national president of the Indian Medical Association.
  • “Newspapers are like any other item or material. Take clothes for instance or books. Viruses can stay on any surfaces. So what can you do? Wash your hands before and after reading newspapers or books,”
  • The WHO stresses on cleaning hands with an alcohol ­based hand rub or washing with soap and water, and avoid touching eyes, mouth or nose.