
Desai denied security, aborts Sabarimala visit

  • Bhumata Brigade leader Trupti Desai and five of her associates aborted their attempt to visit the Sabarimala temple and headed back to Pune on Tuesday after a futile effort to get the police to offer them protection.
  • Ms. Ammini was attacked by Sreenath Padmanabhan, a resident of Thaliparambu in Kannur in north Kerala and an activist of the Antharashtra Hindu Parishad. He was arrested.
  • Bindu Ammini, who was one of the first menstruating age women to enter the Sabarimala shrine during the last pilgrimage season in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling last year allowing women of all ages entry to the temple, was on Tuesday attacked by a man using what appeared in video footage of the incident to resemble some kind of a pepper spray.


Sunni Waqf Board not to file review petition

  • The board, however, reiterated its stand expressed on November 9 that it will not go in for any review of the verdict, under which the court directed the Central government to form a Trust within three months for the construction of a Ram temple in Ayodhya. A decision on five acres was “still in the consideration of the board,” its chairman Zufar Faruqi said here after a meeting.
  • Six out of seven members of the board voted in favour of the decision not to challenge the verdict. Dissenting member Abdur Razzaque Khan was in favour of filing a review petition. Another member Imran Mabood Khan, who has publicly favoured a review petition, did not attend the meeting.


Logo, motto introduced for Lokpal

Lokpal Logo

  • Lokpal Chairman Justice (retired) Pinaki Chandra Ghose on Tuesday launched the new logo for the apex anti-corruption ombudsman. A new motto, ‘ Ma Gridhah Kasyasvidhanam (Do not be greedy for anyone’s wealth)’, was also adopted.
  • A logo designed by Prashant Mishra, a resident of Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh.
  • The Lokpal became functional after the appointment of its Chairman and members in March.


Sharp-eyed Cartosat-3 to take to the skies today

  • Cartosat-3 is a third generation earth observation satellite with high resolution imaging capability. A look at some of its features.
  • Advanced earth observation satellite Cartosat-3, which is due to be launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR at Sriharikota in coastal Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday morning, will have the ‘sharpest eye’ of civil remote sensing satellites in the world.
  • It will be carried by PSLV-C47. Thirteen small satellites of two U.S. customers will be the secondary payloads.
  • One of Cartosat-3’s cameras offers a ground resolution of 25 cm — this means it can pick up an object of a minimum of that size from a height of around 500 km.
  • Overall Mass: 1,625 Kg
  • Mission Life: 5 years