
NPR: house ­to ­house verification planned

  • The Narendra Modi government proposes to update the National Population Register (NPR), which already has an electronic database of more than 119 crore residents, by verifying the details of all respondents through house­ to house enumeration, according to an official manual for conducting the fresh NPR exercise.
  • The year of birth/ age can aslo be ascertained with reference to the birth/ age of another person in the same household or in the neighbouring household or that of a well-known person in the village.
  • if a woman is not aware of her age, you will have to further probe to estimate it. One way is to find the date of birth of her eldest living child and her age at the time she gave birth. subtract her age at the time of birth of her child to get a fair estimate of her year of birth.
  • If a woman is not able to ell her age at the time when the first child was born, try to ascertain her age at the same time of marriage and the interval between her marriage and the birth of her eldest child.
  • If a woman does not know her age at marriage, try to find out the difference between her age and that of her husband whose year of birth may be known. Use this to record the woman’s year of birth.
  • If the respondent does not know the age of any member of the household and asking questions also does not help, you will have to estimate her/his age by using your best judgement.


Rights body releases report on police action at Jamia university

  • The Peoples Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) on Thursday released a fact- finding report on the crack- down by Delhi Police at Jamia Millia Islamia and termed the police action “unjustified, excessive and unauthorised”.
  • Demanding a Commission of Enquiry to be instituted, the PUDR, in its re- port, said: “The right of citizens to protest must be recognised as inalienable and the practice of routine refusal to grant permission must be stopped. An FIR should be registered against the police for brutal use of force inside the Jamia campus.”
  • The report named ‘Bloody Sunday: Police Brutalities at Jamia University 13­-15 December, 2019’ added that there was a “clear template” of crackdown by the police on protesters across the national capital.


Nambi Narayanan to get ₹1.3 crore

  • The Kerala Cabinet has decided in principle to give ₹ 1.3 crore to former Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) scientist Nambi Narayanan of the infamous ISRO spy scandal case to settle the case fi led by him against the State in the sub­-court in Thiruvananthapuram.
  • The amount is in addition to the ₹ 50 lakh provided by the State on the basis of a Supreme Court order and the ₹ 10 lakh recommended by the National Human Rights Commission to Mr. Narayanan.