



Q1. Carbon dioxide absorbs strongly in in infrared region and its presence in atmosphere decreases the loss of heat from earth by radiations. This is called:

  1. a) Carbon dioxide burning
  2. b) Carbon dioxide recycling
  3. c) Carbon recycling
  4. d) Greenhouse effect

ANSWER:- (d)



Q2. Freons cause great environmental damage. They are:

  1. a) Mixed carbon gases
  2. b) Mixed chlorofluoro-hydrocarbons
  3. c) Mixed Sulphur gases
  4. d) Free gases

ANSWER:- (b)


Q3. Which of the following is not a plant hormone?

  1. a) Cytokinin
  2. b) Auxin
  3. c) Calcium
  4. d) Gibberellin

ANSWER:- (c)


Q4. Asbestos is no longer preferred for commercial use because

  1. a) It causes lung cancer
  2. b) Its structures are very weak
  3. c) It is not sound proof
  4. d) It catches fire

ANSWER:- (a)


Q5. Iodine is obtained from:

  1. a) Gracilaria
  2. b) Laminaria
  3. c) Oedogonium
  4. d) Spirogyra

ANSWER:- (b)


Q6. The term Biomagnification refers to:

  1. a) raising of environmental issues by man
  2. b) growth of organism due to food consumption
  3. c) increase in population size
  4. d) increase in concentration of non-biodegradable pollutants

ANSWER:- (d)


Q7. Which part of the world has a high density of organisms?

  1. a) Grasslands
  2. b) Savannah
  3. c) Deciduous forests
  4. d) Tropical rain forests

ANSWER:- (d)


Q8. Hemorrhagic dengue fever is spread by:

  1. a) Aedes fluviatilis
  2. b) Aedes albimenus
  3. c) Aedes aegyptii
  4. d) Aedes meristica

ANSWER:- (c)


Q9. What is roughly the ratio between population density of Himachal Pradesh and India as per the provisional figures of 2011 Census of India?

  1. a) 1 : 2
  2. b) 1 : 3
  3. c) 1 : 4
  4. d) 1 : 5

ANSWER:- (b)


Q10. What is the name given to forces that shape and reshape the earth’s crust?

  1. a) Diastrophic
  2. b) Exogenetic
  3. c) Erosion
  4. d) Tectonic

ANSWER:- (a)


Q11. Which type of clouds cause the heaviest downpour?

  1. a) Nimbo—Stratus
  2. b) Strato-Cumulus
  3. c) Cumulo-Nimbus
  4. d) Cirrro-Stratus

ANSWER:- (c)


Q12. Which trench is located in the Pacific Ocean?

  1. a) Mariana
  2. b) Romanche
  3. c) Nicobar
  4. d) Sunda

ANSWER:- (a)


Q13. Which term is used for the imaginary lines joining the places of equal rainfall?

  1. a) Isochrone
  2. b) Isohyet
  3. c) Isoseismal
  4. d) Isoneph

ANSWER:- (b)


Q14. Which one among the following countries is not a member of SAARC?

  1. a) Afghanistan
  2. b) Bhutan
  3. c) Maldives
  4. d) Myanmar

ANSWER:- (d)


Q15. What is the Silicon Valley of United States of America famous for?

  1. a) Apply cultivation
  2. b) Petrochemicals
  3. c) Electronics
  4. d) Tourism

ANSWER:- (c)


Q16. Which country has the largest number of Spanish speaking population?

  1. a) Mexico
  2. b) Peru
  3. c) Argentina
  4. d) Spain

ANSWER:- (a)


Q17. In which Indian State is the Tawang Buddhist Monastery located?

  1. a) Sikkim
  2. b) Arunachal Pradesh
  3. c) Himachal Pradesh
  4. d) Bihar

ANSWER:- (b)


Q18. What is relevant to the Golden Quadrilateral in India?

  1. a) Airways
  2. b) Railways
  3. c) Roadways
  4. d) National electricity grid

ANSWER:- (c)


Q19. Which part is located on an estuary?

  1. a) Kandla
  2. b) Mumbai
  3. c) Paradip
  4. d) Cochin

ANSWER:- (a)


Q20. What is an archipelago?

  1. a) Ring-shaped coral reef
  2. b) A type of iceberg
  3. c) A geological age
  4. d) a group of large number of

ANSWER:- (d)


Q21. Which of the following countries is divided into the largest number of time zones?

  1. a) China
  2. b) Russia
  3. c) Canada
  4. d) Limited States of America

ANSWER:- (b)


Q22. Match the items in List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:


(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(b) Sivnarayan Agnihotri

(c) Mahadev Govind Ranade

(d) Dayanand Sarswati


(1) Indian National Conference

(2) Servants of India Society

(3) Dev Samaj

(4) Arya Samaj


(a) (b) (e) (d)

  1. a) (4) (2) (1) (3)
  2. b) (2) (3) (1) (4)
  3. c) (3) (2) (4) (1)
  4. d) (1) (3) (2) (4)

ANSWER:- (b)


Q23. Match the items in List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:


(a) Dinbandhu

(b) Maratha

(c) Indian Social Report

(d) Shodhak


(1) K.N. Natarajan

(2) G.C. Agarkar

(3) N.M. Lokhnde

(4) B.G. Tilak


(a) (b) (c) (d)

  1. a) (1) (2) (3) (4)
  2. b) (2) (3) (4) (1)
  3. c) (3) (4) (1) (2)
  4. d) (4) (3) (2) (1)

ANSWER:- (c)


Q24. Who was the founder of Satyashodhak Samaj?

  1. a) B. G. Tilak
  2. b) Jyotiba Phule
  3. c) Narayan Guru
  4. d) B.R. Ambedkar

ANSWER:- (b)


Q25. Where was the Headquarters of Ghadar Party?

  1. a) Now York
  2. b) Los Angeles
  3. c) San Francisco
  4. d) London

ANSWER:- (c)


Q26. By which Act was system of `Dyarchy’ introduced during British rule in India?

  1. a) Indian Councils Act, 1861
  2. b) Govt. of India Art, 1919
  3. c) Govt. of India Act, 1935
  4. d) Govt. of India Act, 1909

ANSWER:- (b)


Q27. During whose viceroyality was the Vernacular Press Act enacted?

  1. a) Lord Curzon
  2. b) Lord Morley
  3. c) Lord. Lytton
  4. d) Lord Ripon

ANSWER:- (c)


Q28. Who was the Chairman of the First Union Commission of Backward Classes of India?

  1. a) B. P. Mandal
  2. b) Kaka Kalelkar
  3. c) B.R. Ambedkar
  4. d) Kanshi Ram

ANSWER:- (b)


Q29. What is the density of population at national level in India according to 2011 Census?

  1. a) 326 persons per square kilometre
  2. b) 367 persons per square kilometre
  3. c) 382 persons per Square kilometre
  4. d) 398 persons per Liquors kilometre

ANSWER:- (c)


Q30. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below


(a) R. Vineet Krishna

(b) Anant Pal

(c) Yamini Krishnamurthy

(d) Mitali Madhumitn


(1) Collector of Malkhangiri District

(2) Classical Dancer

(3) Author of Amar Chitra Katha

(4) First Woman Indian Army officer to Win a Gallantry Medal


(a) (b) (c) (d)

  1. a) (2) (3) (4) (1)
  2. b) (1) (3) (2) (4)
  3. c) (4) (3) (2) (1)
  4. d) (3) (2) (1) (4)

ANSWER:- (b)


Q31. For which of the following functions was V.A. Shunglu Committee constituted?

  1. a) to suggest measure to control inflation
  2. b) to recommend administrative reforms,
  3. c) to draft Lokpal bill
  4. d) to probe financial irregularities in Commonwealth Games

ANSWER:- (d)


Q32. Who among the following was the Speaker of the first Lok Sabha?

  1. a) Sardar Gumukh Nihal Singh
  2. b) G. V. Mavalankar
  3. c) A.S. Ayangar
  4. d) Balram Jakhar

ANSWER:- (b)


Q33. Which of the following Schedules of Indian Constitution contains provisions regarding disqualification of MPs/MLAs on the ground of defection?

  1. a) VII
  2. b) VIII
  3. c) IX
  4. d) X

ANSWER:- (d)


Q34. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

  1. a) Telugu Desam—Andhra Pradesh
  2. b) National Conference-J&K
  3. c) AIADMK—Tamil Nadu
  4. d) Biju Janata Dal—Bihar

ANSWER:- (d)


Q35. Which ancient Indian king wrote the three dramas, i.e Ratnavali, Priyadarshika and Nagananda?

  1. a) Ashoka the Great
  2. b) Chandragupta Maurya
  3. c) Harsha Vardhana
  4. d) Samudragupta

ANSWER:- (c)


Q36. Match the items in List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:


(a) Vishakhadatta

(b) Subandhu

(c) Dandin

(d) Banabhatta


(1) Daskumaracharita

(2) Harshacharita

(3) Mudra Rakshasa

(4) Vasavndatta


(a) (b) (c) (d)

  1. a) (1) (2) (3) (4)
  2. b) (3) (4) (1) (2)
  3. c) (2) (3) (4) (1)
  4. d) (1) (4) (2) (3)

ANSWER:- (b)


Q37. Who built the old fort (Purana Qila) in Delhi?

  1. a) Sher Shah
  2. b) Jahangir
  3. c) Shah Jahan
  4. d) Akbar

ANSWER:- (a)


Q38. In 19th century Moplah peasants revolted against the tyranny of which of the following

  1. a) Muslim rulers
  2. b) British Rulers
  3. c) Hindu Zamidars
  4. d) Nizam of Hyderabad

ANSWER:- (c)


Q39. Match fist-I which contains the names of European Companies with List-II which contains the names of their settlements in India and select the correct answer from the codes given below

      List-1                        List-II

(a) Dutch                   (1) Goa

(b) English                (2) Pulicat

(c) Portuguese           (3) Bugli

(d) French                 (4) Chinsura

(a) (b) (c) (d)

  1. a) (3) (4) (1) (2)
  2. b) (1) (2) (2) (4)
  3. c) (2) (8) (1) (4)
  4. d) (2) (1) (4) (3)

ANSWER:- (c)


  1. Match the organizations in List-I with persons associated with them given in List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:


(a) British India society

(b) Landholders society

(c) Servants of people society

(d) Bengal British India society


(1) Lala Lajpet Rai

(2) William Adams

(3) George Thompaon

(4) Dwarknanth Tagore

(a) (b) (c) (d)

  1. a) (2) (4) (1) (3)
  2. b) (3) (2) (1) (4)
  3. c) (4) (1) (2) (3)
  4. d) (4) (3) (1) (2)

ANSWER:- (d)


Q41. According to 2011 Census which of the following districts of the, state of Haryana has the lowest sax ratio?

  1. a) Ambala
  2. b) Rewari
  3. c) C. Mahendergarh
  4. d) Jhajjar

ANSWER:- (b)


Q42. Match the items in List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:


(a) 30 January

(b) 2 February

(c) 5 June

(d) 24 March


(1) World Wetland Day

(2) ‘World TB DAY

(3) Martyrs Day

(4) World environment Day


(a) (b) (c) (d)

  1. a) (2) (1) (3) (4)
  2. b) (3) (4) (1) (2)
  3. c) (3) (1) (4) (2)
  4. d) (4) (2) (3) (1)

ANSWER:- (c)


  1. With which of the following movements is kejarival associated?
  2. a) Yoga
  3. b) Art of Living
  4. c) Parivatan/RTI
  5. d) Desk Bachao

ANSWER:- (c)


Q44. To commemorate which of the following events is the Reserve Bank of India planning to issue a coin of denomination of Rs.150?

  1. a) First war of India’s Independence.
  2. b) Founding of Brahmo Samaj
  3. c) Birth Anniversary of Rabindra Nath Tagore
  4. d) M Abolition of Sati

ANSWER:- (c)


Q45. According to recent listing who among the following is the richest woman of India?

  1. a) Indu Jain
  2. b) Anu Aga
  3. c) Chanda Kochar
  4. d) Savitri Jindal

ANSWER:- (d)


Q46. In which one of the following cases has the Preamble been accepted as a part of the Indian Constitution?

  1. a) A.K. Gopalan case
  2. b) Keshavanand Bharti case
  3. c) Golaknath case
  4. d) Minerva Mills case

ANSWER:- (b)


Q47. Who amongst the following is empowered to declare emergency Under the Indian Constitution?

  1. a) The Vice-President
  2. b) The President
  3. c) The Prime Minister
  4. d) The Home Minister

ANSWER:- (b)


Q48. Under the, Constitution of India who is the guardian of fundamental rights?

  1. a) Parliament
  2. b) President
  3. c) Judiciary
  4. d) Cabinet

ANSWER:- (c)


Q49. Who decides whether a bill is a money bill or not?

  1. a) President
  2. b) Finance Minister
  3. c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
  4. d) Chairperson of Raiya Sabha

ANSWER:- (c)


Q50. Match the constitutional provisions of Indian Constitution given in List-I with countries from which these have been taken in List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:


(a) Concurrent list

(b) Parliamentary system

(c) Impeachment of president

(d) Federal structure


(1)  U.S.A.

(2) Canada

(3) Australin

(4) U.K.


(a) (b) (c) (d)

  1. a) (1) (2) (3) (4)
  2. b) (4) (3) (2) (1)
  3. c) (2) (3) (1) (4)
  4. d) (3) (4) (2) (2)

ANSWER:- (d)


Q51. Under which of the following circumstances can an emergency be declared in India?

  1. a) External aggression
  2. b) Armed rebellion
  3. c) Internal unrest
  4. d) Financial crisis


  1. a) (1), (2) and (3)
  2. b) (1), (3) and (4)
  3. c) (2), (3) and (4)
  4. d) (1), (2) and (4)

ANSWER:- (d)


Q52. Which one of the following is not properly matched?

  1. a) 42nd Constitutional amendment—Fundamental duties
  2. b) 52nd Constitutional Amendment—Anti –Defection law
  3. c) 73rd Constitutional Amendment—Panchayati Raj
  4. d) 84th Constitutional Amendment— Centre-State Relations

ANSWER:- (d)


Q53. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee is related to;

  1. a) Panchayati Raj system
  2. b) Centre-State relations
  3. c) Rural Development
  4. d) Electoral Reforms

ANSWER:- (a)


Q54. Who amongst the following can be the Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission?

  1. a) Any serving judge of the Supreme Court.
  2. b) Any serving judge of tile High Court
  3. c) A retired Chief Justice or the Supreme Curt
  4. d) A retired Chi-of Justice of the. High Court

ANSWER:- (c)


Q55. MNREGA programme is related to:

  1. a) Rural employment
  2. b) Urban employment
  3. c) Education for all
  4. d) Public health

ANSWER:- (a)


Q56. Which one of Cite following in non-toxic?

  1. a) Cadmium
  2. b) Mercury
  3. c) Lead
  4. d) Sodium

ANSWER:- (d)


Q57. Which of the following properties is not related to LASER?

  1. a) High intensity
  2. b) High coherence
  3. c) High monochromaticity
  4. d) High optical activity

ANSWER:- (d)


Q58. In which form is phosphorus predominantly found in soil?

  1. a) Orthophosphate
  2. b) Phosphorus oxide
  3. c) Phosphorous sulphide
  4. d) Phosphoric acid

ANSWER:- (a)


Q59. Carbohydrates are not used in

  1. a) Food industry
  2. b) Textile industry
  3. c) Cosmetic industry
  4. d) Paint industry

ANSWER:- (d)


Q60. Nanotechnology is where particles of the following size are used:

  1. a) 109 cm
  2. b) 10-9 m
  3. c) 10-9 cm
  4. d) 109 cm

ANSWER:- (b)


Q61. Siul stream is a tributary of Tiger river:

  1. a) Chenab
  2. b) Yamuna
  3. c) Ravi
  4. d) Beas

ANSWER:- (c)


Q62. What figure is found on the coins of Audumbara rulers?

  1. a) Lotus
  2. b) Trident
  3. c) Peacock
  4. d) Counch

ANSWER:- (b)


Q63. Arrange the following author’s wino wrote about the Himalayan region in correct chronological order

  1. Ptolemy
  2. Chandragomin

iii. Panini

  1. varahamihira
  2. a) (iii) (i) (ii)     (iv)
  3. b) (i) (iii) (iv)    (ii)
  4. c) (ii) (iv) (i)      (iii)
  5. d) (i) (iv)    (iii)    (ii)

ANSWER:- (a)


Q64. On the basin of which river is Dodra Kawar situated?

  1. a) Pabbar
  2. b) Tons
  3. c) Yamuna
  4. d) Giri

ANSWER:- (b)


Q65. What is the architectural Style of Jawalamukhi Temple in Kangra District?

  1. a) Flat-roofed style
  2. b) Pagoda style
  3. c) Pent-roofed style
  4. d) Domed style

ANSWER:- (d)


Q66. In which District of Himachal Pradesh is Surajtal Lake?

  1. a) Kullu
  2. b) Lahaul and Spiti
  3. c) Chamba
  4. d) Sirmaur

ANSWER:- (b)


Q67. Which mountain range separates sirmaur from Shimla?

  1. a) Choor chandni
  2. b) Chanshal
  3. c) Hattoo
  4. d) Shali

ANSWER:- (a)


Q68. Who founded the Guler state?

  1. a) Karam Chand
  2. b) Hari Chand
  3. c) Rup Chand
  4. d) Prithvi Chand

ANSWER:- (b)


Q69. Which ruler of Chamba defied Aurangzeb’s order to demolish the Hindu temples in his state?

  1. a) Jagat Singh
  2. b) Udai Singh
  3. c) Chatar Singh
  4. d) prithvi Singh

ANSWER:- (c)


Q70. Which Village Panchayat in Kinnaur District of Himachal Pradesh unanimously elected all women members only, during the December 2010-January 2011 elections?

  1. a) Kamru
  2. b) Tapri
  3. c) Moorang
  4. d) Sangla

ANSWER:- (a)


Q71. In which district of Himachal Pradesh is Uhal Hydroelectric Project located?

  1. a) Mandi
  2. b) Chamba
  3. c) shimla
  4. d) Kullu

ANSWER:- (a)


Q72. According to 2011 Census which District of Himachal Pradesh has the highest sex ratio?

  1. a) Sirmaur
  2. b) Kullu
  3. c) Chamba
  4. d) Lahaul and Spiti

ANSWER:- (c)


Q73. In which year was Swarna Jayant Gram Swarozgar yojana launches in Himachal Pradesh?

  1. a) 1994-1995
  2. b) 1999-2000
  3. c) 2004-2005
  4. d) 2007-2008

ANSWER:- (b)


Q74. Mukhya Mantri Bal Uddhar Yojana of Himachal Pradesh Government is restricted to Children belonging to:

  1. a) Scheduled caste families
  2. b) Scheduled tribe families
  3. c) BPL families
  4. d) Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe families

ANSWER:- (c)


Q75. To whom was Kangra bestowed as Jagir by Mughal emperor Akbar?

  1. a) Todar Mal
  2. b) Birbal
  3. c) Bhagwan Dabs
  4. d) Man Singh

ANSWER:- (b)


Q76. Who cornmanded the Mughal forces which subdued Kangra fort in 1620 AD?

  1. a) Shah Qulikhan
  2. b) Shaikh Farid
  3. c) Mirza Rustam Quandhari
  4. d) Nawab Ali khan

ANSWER:- (d)


Q77. Who was the Chairman of joint meeting of Shimla Hill States Rulers and Praja Mandal representatives held in January 1948 at Solan?

  1. a) Hira Singh Pal
  2. b) Bhaskara Nand
  3. c) Satya Dev Bushahri
  4. d) Durga Singh

ANSWER:- (d)


Q78. Which was the main opposition group in the Himachal Pradesh Legislature during 1950s?

  1. a) Lok Raj Party
  2. b) Swatantra Party
  3. c) Bharatiya Jana Sangh
  4. d) Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party

ANSWER:- (d)


Q79. Who headed the committee of Government of India which recommended the transfer of more subjects to the Territorial council in 1962?

  1. a) M.C. Chagla
  2. b) Ashok K.Sen
  3. c) Lal Bahadur Shastri
  4. d) Hukam Singh

ANSWER:- (b)


Q80. With whose assistance is the Himachal Pradesh Government’s, organic farming and water harvesting project’ being implemented?

  1. a) Sweden
  2. b) Australia
  3. c) Japan
  4. d) Germany

ANSWER:- (b)


Q81. Indian agriculture has the following features:

  1. Dependence of agriculture on the monsoons
  2. Abolition of Zamidari
  3. Absencc of trade unions in the agricultural sector
  4. Heavy pressure of population on land

Which of the above is responsible for disguised unemployment in Agriculture?

  1. a) (1) alone
  2. b) (1) and (2) only
  3. c) (1). (2), (3} only
  4. d) (4) alone

ANSWER:- (d)


Q82. Consider the following taxes:

  1. Sales tax
  2. Income tax
  3. Corporate tax
  4. Entertainment tax

Which of the above taxes are levied by the State government and not Shared by Central Government?

  1. a) (1) and (1) only
  2. b) (2) and (3) only
  3. c) (3) and (4) only
  4. d) (1) and (4) only

ANSWER:- (d)


Q83. Consider the following in relation with corporate tax:

  1. Total turnover of the -company
  2. Profit after distribution of dividend
  3. Profit before distribution of dividend
  4. Capital employed in the company

Which one of the above is the basis of corporate tax?

  1. a) (1) alone
  2. b) (2) alone
  3. c) (3) alone
  4. d) (4) alone

ANSWER:- (c)


Q84. India is at which of the following stages of demographic Transition?

  1. a) Population level stabilizes with number of births and deaths being low and equal
  2. b) Birth rates and death rate are both low.
  3. c) Reduction in birth rate but the reduction in death rate is higher than reduction in birth rate.
  4. d) Reduction in mortality rate while birth rate continues to be high.

ANSWER:- (c)


Q85. Male literacy in the recent census 2011 has increased to:

  1. a) 77.14%
  2. b) 79.14%
  3. c) 81-14%
  4. d) 83.14%

ANSWER:- (c)


Q86. Which one of the following treaties was not covered by the Uruguay round Negotiations, which established WTO?

  1. a) General agreement on trade in Services
  2. b) Trade related intellectual property rights
  3. c) Trade related Investment measures
  4. d) General agreement On Environment Protection

ANSWER:- (d)


Q87. The second largest trade partner of India with their total trade (sum of imports and exports) for the year 2009-2010 is:

  1. a) United Arab Emirates
  2. b) China
  3. c) United States of America
  4. d) Saudi Arabia

ANSWER:- (b)


Q88. Which of the following is the highest export-oriented handicrafts (in value terms) in Indian exports?

  1. a) Gems and Ornaments
  2. b) Leather goods
  3. c) Brass goods
  4. d) Ivory goods

ANSWER:- (a)


Q89. Consider the following in the context of food inflation in India;

  1. Ban on transaction in agricultural products in ‘Future Commodities Exchange Market’
  2. Restrictions on import of agricultural Products
  3. Unruly weather conditions
  4. Hoarding and Trader Cartel

Which of the above are the possible reasons for food inflation

  1. a) (1) and (2)
  2. b) (2) and (3)
  3. c) (3) and (4)
  4. d) (1) and (4)

ANSWER:- (c)


Q90. Which one of ‘the following pairs is correctly matched

  1. a) Central Statistical Organization (CSO)—Fiscal Policy
  2. b) Reserve Bank of India (RBI.)—Credit Policy
  3. c) National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER)—Indian Economic Survey
  4. d) Planning commission-computation of National Income

ANSWER:- (b)


Q91. Which one of the following represents at least in part investment in human capital?

  1. a) Formal education
  2. b) On the job training
  3. c) Better health care and nutrition
  4. d) All of the above.

ANSWER:- (d)


Q92. Which one of the following led the Malegam committee to recommend for interest rate cap for micro-finance institutions?

  1. a) Promoters of micro-finances institutions growing rich
  2. b) High interest rate leading to suicides
  3. c) Small loans offered to micro-enterprises
  4. d) Borrowers stopped repaying loans.

ANSWER:- (b)


Q93. Consider the following related to Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) being implemented in partnership with the States for addressing the needs of children:

  1. Enrolment of all children in school
  2. Addressing the need of child in the age group of 6-10
  3. Setting up Education Guarantee Centers (ECG) alternate Schools etc.
  4. Bridging of gender and social category gaps in enrolment with retention and learning

Which of the above is not correct?

  1. a) (1) and (3)
  2. b) (2) alone
  3. c) (3) and (4)
  4. d) (3) alone

ANSWER:- (b)


Q94. Antibodies are found in

  1. a) Platelets
  2. b) RBC
  3. c) Lymphocytes
  4. d) Eosinophils

ANSWER:- (c)


Q95. Night-blindness is caused by the deficiency of:

  1. a) Vitamin A
  2. b) Vitamin B6
  3. c) Vitamin B12
  4. d) Vitamin C

ANSWER:- (a)


Q96. Human eye is sensitive to wavelength it’s the range of

  1. a) 300-390 nm
  2. b) 300-360 nm
  3. c) 380-760 nm
  4. d) 790-800 nm

ANSWER:- (c)


Q97. The definition of biosphere is

  1. a) The earth and its atmosphere which is inhabited by living Organism.
  2. b) All living organisms on earth
  3. c) All the plants on earth
  4. d) All the animals on earth

ANSWER:- (b)


Q98. Rhododendron is the characteristic vegetation of:

  1. a) Tropical zone
  2. b) Alpine zone
  3. c) Mangrove belt
  4. d) Gangetic plane

ANSWER:- (b)


Q99. Some reliable indicators of pollution are:

  1. a) Ferns and Cycas
  2. b) Algae and liverworts
  3. c) Lichens and mosses
  4. d) Neem tree and Eichhornia

ANSWER:- (c)


Q100. Gas released during Bhopal gas tragedy was:

  1. a) Sodium isocynate
  2. b) Ethyl isocynate
  3. c) Potassium isocynate
  4. d) Methyl isocynate

ANSWER:- (d)
