



Q1. Which of the following has been included in the 8 wonders of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)?

(a) Bhimbetka caves

(b) Golden Temple

(c) Statue of Unity

(d) Amber Fort



Q2. To which country India gifted a ‘Made in India’ patrol vessel named ‘KAAMIYAAB’?

(a) Sri Lanka

(b) Maldives

(c) South Africa

(d) Bangladesh



Q3. Which Indian Air Force aircraft was decommissioned on December 27, 2019?

(a) MiG-27

(b) MiG-29

(c) Sukhoi-30

(d) MiG-21



Q4. Which Tribal refugee community will now be given permission to settle in Tripura following the signing of a historic agreement on January 16, 2020?

(a) Jaintia

(b) Bru-Reang

(c) Rengma-Bodo

(d) Deori-Garo



Q5. What is the ranking of Indian Passport in Henley Passport Index 2020?

(a) 40

(b) 52

(c) 66

(d) 84



Q6. Where is the headquarters of Global Tiger Forum (GTF)?

(a) Kathmandu

(b) New Delhi

(c) Dhaka

(d) Beijing



Q7. What is ‘BOID QIT’, which was in the news recently?

(a) Biodiversity conservation techniques

(b) Digital monitoring of the borders

(c) DNA editing tool

(d) F-16 Missile equipment



Q8. What is the status of House Sparrow in India as per the State of India’s Birds 2020 Report?

(a) Stable

(b) Uncertain

(c) Strong Decline

(d) Data not available



Q9. India signed an agreement with which country to establish Addu Tourism?

(a) Maldives

(b) Bhutan

(c) Afghanistan

(d) Nepal



Q10. What was India’s rank among 156 countries in the Global Happiness Index 2019?

(a) 140th

(b) 124th

(c) 132nd

(d) 137th



Q11. Which State Government has launched ‘One family, one job’ scheme?

(a) Uttarakhand

(b) Sikkim

(c) Meghalaya

(d) Madhya Pradesh



Q12. Which cities are called ‘Non-attainment cities’ in India?

(a) The cities where solid waste management system has not been implemented

(b) The cities that are not following water quality standards

(c) The cities which are not complying noise pollution norms

(d) Consistently showing poorer air quality than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards



Q13. Which country topped the list of Global Diplomacy Index 2019 released by Sydney based Lowy institute?

(a) USA

(b) Russia

(c) France

(d) China



Q14. Which country has criminalized offences related to match-fixing?

(a) Pakistan

(b) South Africa

(c) Bangladesh

(d) Sri Lanka



Q15. ‘Bada Dashain’ is the festival celebrated in which country?

(a) India

(b) Nepal

(c) Myanmar

(d) Sri Lanka



Q16. What is thecampaign theme of the ‘Internaional Women’s Day 2020’?

(a) Planet 50-50 by 2030

(b) Equality for Women

(c) Think Equal, Act Equal

(d) Each for Equal



Q17. The term ‘Operation Car Wash’ that was making news recently, is related to which country?

(a) Brazil

(b) South Africa

(c) Russia

(d) Argentina



Q18. Which country will host the UN Climate Summit ‘COP26’?

(a) USA

(b) UK

(c) France

(d) India



Q19. In a latest report (2019) World Bank appreciated India’s efforts and policies to

(a) Reduce poverty by half since 1991

(b) Provde clean and wholesome water to all

(c) Immunize all the children in the age group 0-5 years

(d) Achieve gender parity in primary education



Q20.The Noble Prize 2019 for Economics has been awarded to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer for:

(a) To discover the most effective ways to tackle poverty in the developing world

(b) To discover consumption pattern among rural mass

(c) To discover decision making under asymmetric information

(d) To discover role of non-economic factors in trade distortions



Q21. Why is there a great concern about the ‘microbeads’ that are released into environment?

(a) They are considered harmful to marine ecosystems

(b) They are considered to cause skin cancer in children

(c) They are small enough to be absorbed by crop plants in irrigated fields

(d) They are often found to be used as food adulterants.



Q22. Among the following, which one is the largest exporter of rice in the world in the last five years?

(a) China

(b) India

(c) Myanmar

(d) Vietnam



Q23. Which country’s capital name is renamed as ‘Nursultan’?

(a) Kazakhstan

(b) Uzbekistan

(c) Azerbaijan

(d) Kyrgyzstan



Q24. Which of the followings are called ‘Brettonwoods Twins’?

(a) IMF & International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

(b) IMF & World Trade Organization

(c) IBRD & World Trade Organization

(d) None of these



Q25. Which state got a separate high court on 1st January 2019, which is the 25th high court of India?

(a) Telengana

(b) Mizoram

(c) Sikkim

(d) Andhra Pradesh



Q26. Which of the following states does not have a bicameral Legislature?

(a) Jammu and Kashmir

(b) Telengana

(c) Karnataka

(d) West Bengal



Q27. Which state first adopted the Panchayati Raj in India in 1959?

(a) Rajasthan

(b) Karnataka

(c) Gujarat

(d) Punjab



Q28. Which of the following is/are true regarding Panchayati Raj System?

  1. The act won’t apply to Darjeeling district of West Bengal.
  2. Allotment of seats in constituencies for Panchayat elections cannot be questioned in any court of law.

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and II

(d) None of these



Q29. Which of the following are the recommendation/recommendations of the L.M. Singhvi Committee?

  1. Nyaya Panchayats should be created for a cluster of villages.
  2. Constitutional recognition for Panchayati Raj institutions.

III. More financial resources for village Panchayats.

(a) II & III

(b) I & III

(c) I & II

(d) All of these



Q30. Pahal scheme is related with?

(a) Agriculture Loan

(b) Direct Transfer of LPG Subsidy

(c) Women Education

(d) Child Education



Q31. Under which schedule of the Constitution of India can the transfer of tribal land to private parties for mining be declared null and void?

(a) Third Schedule

(b) Fifth Schedule

(c) Ninth Schedule

(d) Twelfth Schedule



Q32. Rajya Sabha can delay the Finance Bill sent for its consideration by the Lok Sabha for a maximum period of:

(a) 14 Days

(b) 15 Days

(c) 1 Month

(d) 6 Months



Q33. The constitution 86th Amendment Act, 2002 deals with:

(a) Right to Education a Fundamental Right for children in the range of 6-14 years

(b) Right to employment a fundamental right

(c) Right to employment a fundamental right for rural people

(d) Right to Education a fundamental right for children in the range of 5-13 years



Q34. The National Human Rights Commission is a:

(a) Constitutional Body

(b) Extra Constitutional Body

(c) Statutory Body

(d) Public-Private Body



Q35. Which Union Ministry has launched a new web portal ‘Santust’ for effective delivery of public service?

(a) Ministry of Education

(b) Ministry of Environment

(c) Ministry of Labour and Employment

(d) Ministry of Finance



Q36. Which state topped the good governance index (GGI), launched by the Central Government on 25th December, 2019?

(a) Tamil Nadu

(b) Maharashtra

(c) Kerala

(d) Gujarat



Q37. Which one of the following was not an Arya Samajist?

(a) Lala Hansraj

(b) Baba Ramchandra

(c) Bhai Parmanand

(d) Lala Lajpat Rai



Q38. Which of the following organizations was the last to be established?

(a) Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

(b) Hindu Maha Sabha

(c) Satyashodak Samaj

(d) Hindustan Republican Association



Q39. When was the ‘Vernacular Press Act’ passed?

(a) 1878

(b) 1881

(c) 1884

(d) 1887



Q40. Which one of the following regions did the ‘Pabna’ Revolt (1873-76) take place?

(a) Punjab

(b) Gujarat

(c) Bengal

(d) Malabar



Q41. In which year was first session of the ‘Chamber of Princes’ held?

(a) 1858

(b) 1905

(c) 1921

(d) 1935



Q42. Who presided over the Commission appointed on Famine Policy in 1880?

(a) James Lyall

(b) Richard Strachey

(c) Anthony MacDonnel

(d) John Lawrence



Q43. Which one of the following attended the ‘Congress of Oppressed Nationalities’ at Brussels in 1927?

(a) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

(c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru



Q44. What was ‘Ulgulan’?

(a) A Munda Revolt

(b) A Khasi Revolt

(c) A Bhil Revolt

(d) A Koya Revolt



Q45. Which one of the following organizations was the last to be established?

(a) East India Association

(b) Madras Mahajan Sabha

(c) Indian Association

(d) Poona Sarvajanik Sabha



Q46. When did the British Prime Minister declare in the British Parliament that transfer of power to responsible Indian hands will be done by June, 1948?

(a) January 26, 1947

(b) February 20, 1947

(c) March 20, 1947

(d) January 20, 1947



Q47. Which of the following works was written by ‘Sachindranath Sanyal’ to attract the youth to Revolutionary Nationalism?

(a) Bhavani Mandir

(b) Manifesto of Naujawan Sabha

(c) Philosphy of the Bomb

(d) Bandi Jivan



Q48. Which one of the following is not a soil type in India?

(a) Arid

(b) Peat

(c) Laterite

(d) Choes



Q49. Jalandhar doab is closely related to which of the following?

(a) Area between Ghaggar and Sutlej

(b) Area between Beas and Ravi

(c) Area between Ravi and Chenab

(d) Area between Beas and Sutlej



Q50. Which of the following is the highest peak in Eastern Ghats?

(a) Madugula Konda

(b) Arma Konda

(c) Gali Konda

(d) Vagai Konda



Q51. Khetri has rich deposits of:

(a) Mica

(b) Salt

(c) Copper

(d) Gypsum



Q52. 49th parallel is associated with:

(a) Portugal and Spain

(b) Canada and USA

(c) Germany and Poland

(d) Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan



Q53. Lena river of Russia empties in:

(a) Laptev Sea

(b) Lake Baikal

(c) Sea of Okhotsk

(d) Barents sea



Q54. Barron Falls are associated with which structural division of Australia?

(a) The Eastern Highlands

(b) The Western Plateau

(c) The Central Lowlands

(d) The Barkley Tableland



Q55. Winnipeg in Canada is famous for:

(a) Fur trapping

(b) Softwood collection

(c) Saw Mills

(d) Newsprint



Q56. Which among the following variables/factors are not used in constructing Human Development Index of India?

(a) Life expectancy at birth

(b) Real GDP per capita

(c) Morbidity

(d) All of these



Q57. Disguised unemployment means:

(a) Marginal productivity of labour is zero

(b) Marginal productivity of labour is positive

(c) Marginal productivity of labour is negative

(d) Both (a) and (b)



Q58. Human Development Index does not use which parameter while measuring gender inequality:

(a) Sex Ratio

(b) Health

(c) Education

(d) Command over economic resources



Q59. SANKALP is launched to provide:

(a) Better healthcare for rural poor

(b) Better healthcare for urban poor

(c) Quality education

(d) Market relevant training to youths



Q60. Golden rule of fiscal policy in India is:

(a) Borrowing only for current expenditure

(b) Borrowing only for public investment

(c) Borrowing only for repayment our debt

(d) Borrowing for budget expenditure



Q61. Which of the following is an example of management performance indicator?

(a) Raw material used per unit of product

(b) Number of complaints from public or employees

(c) Contaminant concentration in surface soil

(d) Change in ground water level



Q62. Which of these is the dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility?

(a) Physiological

(b) Political

(c) Ecological

(d) Philanthropic



Q63. NGOs are recognized as ___________ to foucs and fix the problems present in the development process.

(a) Favoured child

(b) Unfavoured child

(c) Magic bullet

(d) Unmagic bullet



Q64.Which of the following is the primary goal for sustainable development?

(a) Increasing emissions

(b) Eliminating wastes and emissions

(c) Decreasing emissions

(d) Moderating emission and wastes



Q65.Eco-mark label of India is-

(a) A blue-bird

(b) An earthen pot

(c) A red-rose

(d) White rabbit



Q66. Mass extinction of species do not occur due to which of the following factors-

(a) Global cooling

(b) Falling sea levels

(c) Excessive rainfall

(d) Predation



Q67. A 40 watt electric bulb is used 6 hours every day. The number of electric units it consumes in 30 days are:

(a) 12

(b) 1.2

(c) 2.4

(d) 7.2



Q68. In nuclear fission of U235 with a slow neutron bombardment produces energy approximately:

(a) 50 MeV

(b) 100 MeV

(c) 200 MeV

(d) 930 MeV



Q69.The dental alloy used for teeth filing contains:

(a) Silver, mercury, tin, copper and zinc

(b) Silver, gold, tin, copper and zinc

(c) Silver, mercury, tin, copper and aluminium

(d) Gold, Mercury, tin, copper and zinc



Q70.Which one of the following substances is not responsible for water hardness?

(a) Calcium carbonate

(b) Magnesium carbonate

(c) Calcium nitrate

(d) Calcium hydrogen nitrate



Q71.The different plant parts in which leucoplasts present are:

(a) Roots and underground stem

(b) Green leaves

(c) Flowers and fruits

(d) Green parts of young stems



Q72.Pteridophyta do not have:

(a) Leaves

(b) Stem

(c) Roots

(d) Flowers



Q73.In which group of animals, coelom is filled with blood?

(a) Annelida

(b) Arthropoda

(c) Nematoda

(d) Echinodermata



Q74.Lack of oxygen inmuscles often leads to cramps among athletes. The reason for this is:

(a) Conversion of pyruvate to ethanol

(b) Conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid

(c) No-conversion of glucose to pyruvate

(d) Conversion of pyruvate to glucose



Q75.Physiographically Palampur, Dharamshala and Jogindernagar in Himachal Pradesh are situated in which of the following zone?

(a) Humid sub-Tropical

(b) Sub-Temperate

(c) Sub-Humid Tropical

(d) Wet Sub Temperate



Q76.Which of the following was not a princely state or Thakurai which was clubbed to form the Mahasu district in 1948?

(a) Koti

(b) Darkoti

(c) Ghund

(d) Ani



Q77.‘Zahor’ is Tibetan name of which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?

(a) Kinnaur

(b) Mandi

(c) Lahaul-Spiti

(d) Kullu



Q78.Which snow clad peak of Himachal Pradesh is shaped somewhat like Matterhorn in Switzerland?

(a) Gyephang

(b) Reo-Purgyil

(c) Jorkanden

(d) Manirang



Q79.Which of the following combination is not correct?

(a) Pangwal-Doghri

(b) Kinner or Kinnaura-Janekang

(c) Gaddi-Batta-Satta

(d) Swangla-Jhanjrara



Q80.Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(i) Kayang(A) Sirmaur
(ii) Jhanjar(B) Una
(iii) Keekli and Bangra(C) Chamba
(iv) Jhoori(D) Lahaul
 (E) Kinnaur

(a) (i)-E, (ii)-A, (iii)-D, (iv)-C

(b) (i)-E, (ii)-C, (iii)-B, (iv)-A

(c) (i)-D, (ii)-C, (iii)-B, (iv)-A

(d) (i)-A, (ii)-C, (iii)-B, (iv)-D



Q81.Lohri has been declared as state level festival and ‘First Lohri Festival’ was celebrated on 13th January 2010 at which of the following place?

(a) Santokhgarh

(b) Pragpur

(c) Nalagarh

(d) Paonta Sahib



Q82.Which of the following temple is believed to be constructed by two merchants ‘Ahuka’ and ‘Manyuka’?

(a) Baijnath Temple

(b) Chintpurni Temple

(c) Lakshmi Narayan Temple Chamba

(d) Masroor Temple



Q83.The largest collection of ‘Kangyur’ and ‘Tangyur’ is placed in the library of which of the following Gompa?

(a) Gemur Gompa

(b) Kardang Gompa

(c) Tayul Gompa

(d) Sashur Gompa



Q84.Which of the following statement is not correct?

(a) The Arki School of painting was founded by Raja Jagat Singh

(b) The Basholi School of painting came into prominence from the time of Raja Kripal Pal

(c) The Kangra paintings have got Geographical Indicator (GI)

(d) Chamba was one of the principal centre of Pahari miniature paintings



Q85.In which of the following valley. Himachal Pradesh Language, Art and Culture Academy founded 600 years old manuscript that deals with the Ayurvedic System of Medicine?

(a) Sangla Valley

(b) Kullu Valley

(c) Balh Valley

(d) Spiti Valley



Q86.Which of the following combination is not correct?

(a) Fatehpur Fort : Bandla Dhar

(b) Tiun Fort : Tiun Dhar

(c) Devi Badoli Temple : Jhanjiar Dhar

(d) Dagoga Malhot : Kot Dhar



Q87.The only coin special to Chamba. Five of which makes an ‘anna’ is the-

(a) Dhela

(b) Pi

(c) Chakli

(d) Ratti



Q88.Who amongst the following was first to examine the archaeological remains in Chamba and Bharmaur?

(a) Colonel Reid

(b) Mr. Vigne

(c) General Cunningham

(d) Sir Henry Davies



Q89.What is the script of earliest rock inscription found at Pathiar and Kanihara?

(a) Brahmi

(b) Kharoshti

(c) Pali

(d) Sharda



Q90.What is the name of an opera festival which is annually held by the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA) at Mcleodganj and was an annual feature in Lhasa prior to 1959?

(a) Losar

(b) Shoton

(c) Thanka

(d) Dajyur



Q91.Which of the following valley is without exception the most rugged glen of Kinnaur district?

(a) Tidong Valley

(b) Baspa Valley

(c) Bhabha Valley

(d) Lippa Valley



Q92.‘Jeyeshthang’ and ‘Kanishthang’ are the names given to which of the following?

(a) Local Deities of Kinnaur district

(b) Valleyas of Lahaul Spiti

(c) Upper House and Lower House of village khap of Malana

(d) Mountain peaks in Sangla Valley



Q93.Which of the following country was relegated to second position by Lahual-Spiti by achieving the highest per hectare production of potato?

(a) Belgium

(b) Spain

(c) Netherland

(d) France



Q94.The first mention of which of the following place came in 1817 from the diary of the Scottish officer brothers?

(a) Dharamshala

(b) Shimla

(c) Kasauli

(d) Subathu



Q95.Climate change vulnerability assessment is being undertaken for which of the following river basin, covering 9258 villages of four districts with more than 1200 panchayats?

(a) Ravi

(b) Satluj

(c) Beas

(d) Chenab



Q96.What is name of the web-based software implemented by the department of Transport of Himachal Pradesh for issuing Driving License?

(a) Vahan

(b) Sarathi

(c) Sathi

(d) Sahyogi



Q97.Name the Superintendent of Botanical Garden who set up ‘Delhi Tea Estate’ in 1852?

(a) Major Straut

(b) Dr. Jameson

(c) Alexander Courts

(d) Samuel Stokes



Q98.After an intensive research and success of the project which district of H.P. is likely to emerge as pistachios bowl of the State?

(a) Lahaul Spiti

(b) Una

(c) Kangra

(d) Kinnaur



Q99.Where is the first ‘Emu’ breeding farm of H.P. set up by multi level marketing company ‘Easy Way With’?

(a) Gandwal in Una

(b) Jeori in Shimla

(c) Paonta Sahib in Sirmaur

(d) Jwali in Kangra



Q100.Who amongst the following were the two wild life experts who were main force behind setting up Himachal’s first ‘Bird Ringing Station’ at Salropa?

(a) Col. Napier and Donald Macleed

(b) Henry Hardings and Hugh Gough

(c) Franscis Bunar and T.H. Walkar

(d) William Finch and Thomas Coryat



